Identifying IP Address
Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 4:58 am
Some people have had issues in finding the ip address of the Pixie after it is first connected to the LAN. The router should identify the Pixie by its default host name of Pixie-Server. On some routers, this doesn't happen or may not happen until the router is rebooted. You may be able to identify the IP by accessing the Connected Devices on your router and identifying any new IP addresses. There is also a batch file that can be used in windows to identify all IP addresses on your network. To use this file, attached, unplug the Pixie from the network but leave it powered up. Run the batch file and when prompted, connect the Pixie, wait 1 minute for the Pixie to obtain an IP from the router, and press any key to continue. You will be presented with two lists of active IPs. The item listed in the second list that is not in the first list, will identify the IP of the Pixie.